Tom Fayle
Tom Fayle is an ecologist, with interests in community ecology, conservation biology and behavioural ecology. His research is broadly focused on understanding interactions within communities of species in diverse tropical ecosystems. His work focuses on tropical ants, but he also studies a range of other groups. He is currently a Principal Investigator at the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic and a postdoctoral researcher at Imperial College London. His fieldwork takes him to Malaysian Borneo and Papua New Guinea.
For email click here. For his personal web pages click here. |
Katerina Sam
Katerina Sam is an widely trained ecologist, with interests in community ecology, applied population ecology, conservation and also behavioral ecology. Her work focuses on tropical birds, tropical insect and she is mainly interested in community and population ecology of insectivorous birds, insect and their conservation. She currently holds postdoctoral position at the Institute of Entomology, Biology Center Academy of Science of the Czech Republic and she is also employed at Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science at the University of South Bohemia in Czech Republic.
For email click here. For her personal web pages click here. |
Vojtech Novotny |
Vojtech Novotny is and ecologist with interest in ecology of plant-herbivore food webs, distribution of tropical biodiversity and dynamics of tropical ecosystems. He is head of Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology at the Institute of Entomology, Biology Center Academy of Science of the Czech Republic and also Professor of Ecology at Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science at the University of South Bohemia in Czech Republic.
For email click here. For his personal web pages click here. |
Shuang Xing
Shuang Xing is an ecologist, with interests in community ecology, functional ecology and conservation biology.
Her research focuses on distribution of insects along environmental gradients and conservation of tropical biodiversity under anthropogenic impacts. She seeks to understand changes in interaction networks along natural and anthropogenic environmental gradients with LifeWebs. |
Pavel Fibich
Pavel Fibich is a plant ecologist with a focus on spatial and statistical ecology.
With a background in numerical computation, forestry and botany, he is now working as a postdoc applying spatial distribution of trees to understand ongoing processes in the forests. He is involved in testing ecological hypotheses on big databases including work in the relationship between environmental factors and plant traits. With LifeWebs, he is running analyses relating to mid-domain effects in interaction networks along environmental gradients. |
Phil Butterill
Phil Butterill work on rainforest communities of gall-forming insects, their host plants and parasitoids.
He is interested in global patterns of gall diversity and host plant associations, and the plant characteristics and traits that may promote or prohibit the galling habit. He is also interested in ecological informatics, and is working on EcoVault, a data management system for ecologists, which incorporates a database and browser-based user interface. He enjoys coding with Python and R to create tools and visualisations to aid biodiversity and ecological research. He maintains the LifeWebs database. |
Leonardo Ré Jorge
Leonardo Ré Jorge is an ecologist with interest in the ecology of interacting communities.
His main focus is to understand how interaction specialization drives community structure in different systems, developing general analytical tools to address this. His work is focused mainly in plant-herbivore interactions in the tropics, but he also has been working in pollination systems. With LifeWebs he is running analyses exploring changes in interaction specificity in relation to environmental gradients. |
Robert Tropek

Robert Tropek is an insect ecologist working in Afrotropics and Central Europe. His main research interests lay in patterns of pollination networks along ecological and biogeographical gradients, specialisation in insect-plant interactions, and restoration ecology. He is a head the Insect Community Ecology Group at the Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, and Institute of Entomology, Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences.
For email click here.
For his personal web pages click here.
For email click here.
For his personal web pages click here.
Sailee Sakhalkar

Sailee Sakhalkar is a PhD student at Charles University, she is interested in theoretical and network ecology. Her work focuses on the biogeographical patterns of specialisation in plant-pollinator interactions.
For email click here.
For email click here.
Sam Finnie
Sam Finnie is a PhD student at University of South Bohemia, who is interested in parasitoids. His research focuses on parasitoids along latitudinal gradient, and vertical gradient in different types of forests.
He is responsible for the collection and communication regarding to HOST-PARASITOID interactions For email click here |
Shafia Zahra

Shafia Zahra is a PhD student at University of South Bohemia. Her PhD focuses on Reverse Janzen-Connell effects involving ants and trees in rainforests in Papua New Guinea.
She is in charge of managing Ants-Plant interaction data
She is in charge of managing Ants-Plant interaction data
Anna Mrazova
Anna Mrazova is a PhD student of ecology/zoology at University of South Bohemia with interest in bird ecology and behavior. Her work focuses on olfactory skills of birds and use of volatile compounds by predators.
Her responsibility is to collect the data regarding to PLANT-HERBIVORES For email click here. |
Jitka Lásková
Jitka Jancuchova-Laskova is an ecologist and an evolutionary biologist, with interests in functional ecology, behavioral ecology, conservation biology and herpetology.
Her work focuses on plant-herbivore interactions in the tropics, but she also interested in the role of hybridization in speciation. Her responsibility is to collect the data regarding to PLANT-HERBIVORES interaction. For email click here |
Owen Middleton

Owen Middleton is a PhD student at the University of Sussex, with an interest in the use of community ecology at large spatial and temporal scales for informing conservation. His research focusses on human modifications to mammal assemblages throughout the late Quaternary as well as geographical variation in species’ interactions.
He is the point of contact for PREDATOR-PREY (VERTEBRATE) interactions.
For his email, click here
He is the point of contact for PREDATOR-PREY (VERTEBRATE) interactions.
For his email, click here
Evan Fricke

Evan Fricke is an ecologist studying how vertebrates shape plant community responses to global change. His work in the Mariana Islands examines how the loss of seed dispersing birds impacts forest dynamics. At the global scale, he is studying how the seed dispersal mutualism influences plant range shifts and how anthropogenic drivers shape plant-frugivore network macroecology. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) at the University of Maryland. He is the point of contact for PLANT-FRUGIVORE interactions.
Mélanie Thierry

Mélanie Thierry is a PhD student at the University of South Bohemia, with interest in community ecology. Her PhD focuses on the mechanisms structuring and stabilizing host-parasitoid networks.
She is in charge of collecting and managing HOST-PARASITOID interaction data.
For email click here
She is in charge of collecting and managing HOST-PARASITOID interaction data.
For email click here
Jana Liparova

Jana Liparova is an ecologist with main research interests in butterfly conservation concerning the life-history traits.
For several years, she has worked in administration and technical support for the Laboratory of Social Insects at the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic. This is also her responsibility for the LifeWebs project.
For several years, she has worked in administration and technical support for the Laboratory of Social Insects at the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic. This is also her responsibility for the LifeWebs project.